So what are your GENCON plans?

I'm mostly hoping to meet some of you folks that I talk to here o the Interwebs and get in on a few ad hoc gaming sessions. I'd like to spend some time at the OSR booth chatting as well as wondering around the hall. This is my first major con so I'm not really sure what to expect. I'm really looking forward to getting a set of Zocchi dice. I ordered some, but hell, I just really want to check out the Game Science booth and pick out some as well as get a dice cup and some other accoutrements. For those of you going, look me up and chat!


  1. Let's see, I'm-
    1. running two Mutant Future games, one TOON game, and one Ghostbusters game.
    2. planning on venturing into the Tower of Gygax.
    3. hanging out at the OSRG booth and spending many monies.
    4. attending the Media Meet and Greet on Saturday night to meet other RPG podcasters and bloggers.
    5. possibly running a pick-up Thundarr MutFut game if I can find the time.
    6. participating in the auction.
    7. drinkin'.

  2. I am running three Ghosts of Albion games and playing a bunch of games with my boys.

    Plan on stopping by the OSR booth and spending some cash.

    We (me and my two sons) *might* go in costumes on Saturday, still trying to figure that one out.

  3. Running a bunch of games - a pair of Swords & Wizardry, and an OSRIC game. Also running a Tower of Gygax session. The name of the artist for Obsidian Sands of Syncrates seems so familiar... wonder if that guy has a blog?

    I'm going to try and drop in on the ACKS play test, and hopefully spend some time at the OSRG booth helping the ACKS stuff out.

    I've got a few open periods to either go play some Heroclix pick-up games or trawl the dealer room. My list of possible purchases is large.

  4. Signed up to play in a few games and hope to get a session in the Tower of Gygax. I plan on playing some demos with the good folks at Fantasy Flight Games. Wed-Fri evenings I'll likely be running some S&W Whitebox either in our hotel lobby or in open gaming. I certainly plan on dropping by the OSR booth a couple of times.

    I too will be getting some more Gamescience dice and maybe a nice dice bag while I'm there. So yeah, I plan on playing loads of board games, RPGs,and attending a seminar or two (The Cover is a Promise & PDF Publishing 101 both sound cool). I should have evenings free for gaming if anyone is up for it.

  5. Guys, definitely look me up. I've got no plans other than hanging around and maybe getting in a few pick up games. I'll hang around the OSR booth and maybe bring my sketch book to do up some art for folks if they want. I'm also down with just having a few beers and rolling some dice.


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