Delve! into Weird Fantasy

I love weird fantasy.  I love mash ups.  I know that lately, weird fantasy in gaming has taken on more of a Mythos bent.  While I love that, sometimes I'd like to see fantasy gaming taken in strange and divergent directions.  I came across the above images while trying to find some inspirational ideas for Delve! Zine.  I know mash ups are not everyone's cuppa, but I think that is OK.  It think one of the great things about the OSR and the Hobbyist gaming explosion is that there is enough traditional Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Supers, etc to keep us swimming in that stuff for a long time.  When I was a kid, I used to like to bring out all of my toys and have wierd advntures that would drive my friends crazy.  I had Legos, Star Wars, army men, GI Joes, Super heroes, Transformers and Fisher Price people engaged in combatting cosmic menaces such as Wacky Wall Crawlers, plastic dinosaurs, Shogun Warriors, Micronauts, etc.

I think Trey Causey's Weird Adventures scratches some of that itch, but I'd like to see some more of that kinda thing.  So in case you were wondering what my influences for Delve! are gonna be, look at the above images, watch Time Bandits, Flash Gordon, and Buckaroo Bonzai; pull out some Jack Kirby classics such as the Fourth World Saga, Kamandi, and Devil Dinosaur.  Yeah, it's gonna be a long strange trip ;).


  1. You've invoked quite a few of our favorite things. Delve sounds better all the time. We're looking forward to it.


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