Delve! Cover Down!

Delve! issue one is nearing completion.  Most of the major art pieces are done, I just have to do one more major piece and then spot pieces for monsters and items.  I've got a few edits to incorporate and then tweak the formatting and ensure that I can get this into a workable pdf format.  Here's a look again at the front cover:
If everything goes smoothly, it should be done and released to the wild before my birthday next month!  What a way to leap from the 30's and delve into 40!


  1. Great stuff, John. Well done so far. Looking forward to seeing it in print.

  2. Thanks Ivy! I'm getting very close to the end. It is a good feeling ;)!

    1. Heck yeah, it's always a good feeling. When Tim finished his and we were stapling them together, it was very cool to hold the finished product.

      Much congrats.

  3. That's pretty slick looking - well done.


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