It's all about me

I just finished doing a podcast interview with Jennifer Steen for the jennisodes podcast.  She still has to edit it, but when it's done I'll post the link.  I highly encourage you to check out her other podcasts here.  She is also doing a fun RPG called Ninja Panda Taco with a kickstarter.  I'm totally getting in on this one.  I mean, getting to play competing masterminds and minions out for world domination, sounds like a good family game for the Binghams.  Yes, I must have my minions help me take over the world ;). 

So why was I doing a podcast interview?  Well, I'm going to be participating in the Lamentations of the Flame Princess summer campaign Inidiegogo crowdsource project.  Yeah, this time I'm doing the whole enchilada, art, writing, design, cartography, etc.  A lot of fun for sure but a bit intimidating considering some of the folks on the list!

I'm chugging along pretty well on Delve!  I've incorporated most of the typo edits and editorial comments from my stalwart proofers.  I started and completed two pieces of interior art today.  Only eleven more to go!  Yeah, Delve! zine is going to be a bit heavy on the art, but the artist owes me so I essentially got an unlimited line of credit with him on that one.

At any rate, I hope everyone has a good weekend and happy gaming!      


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