Progress on Delve!

So, I've sent my winged monkeys out to my stalwart proofreaders to look at the hackjob I've created.  I've received some feedback already and am in the process of revising my text.  I'll wait for all of the feedback before I go into heavy edit mode.  Right now I'm concentrating on the artwork.  I'm coming along nicely on the cover.  I don't know if I've mentioned this yet or not, but my vision of Delve! is not standard fantasy.  It's more weird fantasy much like Lamentations of the Flame Princess or Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea but my presentation is more like what if Jack Kirby, P Craig Russel, Steve Ditko and Mike Mignola collaborated on the story presentation.  I really dig Kirby cosmic weirdness so that is more along the lines of what I'm aiming for (I guess it'll make more sense in light of the artwork I'm doing to go along with it).

At any rate, yeah, it's going (but it looks like this time I'm actually in sight of a finish line).  I also am pretty psyched about another project that I'll be working on as a writer/artist for a weird fantasy game system.  More to follow on that soon!  Happy gaming! 


  1. Excellent blog love the dungeon map background.

  2. Excellent news! I've add you to my zine list:

  3. Cool beaners. Keep up the great work.


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