Strange and Sinister Shores

So, I mentioned a little while back that I was participating as a writer/artist for an upcoming crowd funded Lamentations of the Flame Princess project.  Well, the time has arrived!  Strange and Sinister  Shores is my contribution to the campaign (check it out here).  What is it about?  Here's the flavor text from the campaign:

The night of the hell born star, still oft remarked upon five years hence in the city of Ostregoth. A night when the sky was brighter than the sun at the height of summer and the ground swelled and heaved like the seas in a storm with the very city walls still bearing the scars. Sir Gustav Klemt, with letters patent from Grand Duke Ruprecht IV and an expeditionary force of thirty men provisioned for three years set forth to learn the fate of the 120 men, women and children of fishing village Tunguk on the great lake of Bykaal and the nearby monastery of St. Georg of the Chalice. That was four years ago. Not one word has been heard of the Klemt expedition since and rumor abounds of the loss of all souls to death or worse. Grand Duke Ruprecht offers a handsome sum for news of the lost expedition and the fate of the souls on Lake Bykaal. Horst the Wretched offers riches beyond measure for the relics of St. Georg’s. Either way, riches, glory and death surely await those not afraid to meet them.

So, think of the Russian Tunguska Explosion of 1908, meets the failed Sir John Franklin Expedition to find the Northwest Passage in 1854 and John Carpenter's movie The Thing and you'll have a pretty good grasp of the feel I'm going for.  I'm pretty excited and I do hope that you'll decide to come support the campaign.  More to follow for sure!!


  1. I think that;s a kickass set of inspirations.

  2. Of all the adventures on the list, this sounds the most exciting. Will definitely be backing this one!

  3. This looks promising and your inspirations rock. Hope it funds, because I want to read this.


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