Weekly Creature Feature Six Mouthed Goo Monster

This week is a collaborative effort between myself and my Six year old son Bear. The Six Mouthed Goo Monster is the first in what I hope to be many such collaborations. I mean, who else other than a six year old can come up with such bizzare and I must say pretty horrific monsters? The way our collaborations work is that Bear will draw up a monster, name it and tell me what it does. I'll then ellaborate as needed to make it a bit more workable in game terms and then translate it into stats. For the Six Mouthed Goo Monster, the guidance was that it is a horrible goo creature with six mouths and makes a scary scream at people and can change colors and bite people. Ready made myhtos type creature right there. As with all my Weekly Creature Features, the Text is Open Gaming Content. The accompanying artwork is not open gaming conent and is the sole property of myself and my son and may not be used without my expressed written permission.

Name: Six Mouthed Goo Monster
No. Enc: 1-8
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 30’ (10’)
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 2 to 6
Attacks: 2 (bite, special)
Damage: 1d6, 1d6, special
Save: F2-6
Morale: 11
Hoard Class: XI

Description: A chaotic protoplasmic mass of swirling color, the six mouthed goo monster is a horror to behold. Constantly quivering, quaking and shifting its mass; a six mouthed goo monster is a creature of pure chaos. The creature is capable of extending pseudopods from its central mass. Each pseudopod ends in one of the creatures circular suckered mouths which it will utilize to attack.

When first encountered, a Goo Monster will be a roiling, vibrantly multicolored mass along the floor. When any creature comes within 10 feet, the Goo Monster will draw itself up into a column equal in height to its total hit dice (e.g. a 2 hit dice Goo Monster will be two feet tall, etc). With its first attack, the Goo Monster will emit a sonic burst from all of its mouths. All creatures within 30’ must save versus spell or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. The Goo Monster will then proceed to attack with its pseudopods. On a successful bite attack, the Goo Monster will have lacked onto its victim with one or more of its mouths. It will continue to inflict 1d6 points of damage each round until the pseudopod is severed (4hps per pseudopod). For every 8 hit points the Goo Monster inflicts on a target via a suckered mouth, the Goo Monster will gain one hit die up to a full total of six hit dice.

Goo Monsters are immune to charm and mind influencing attacks as well as electrical, visual, sonic, and gas based attacks. Acid and fire attacks do normal damage. Cold attacks do half damage and slow the monster.


  1. Very cool. You two do excellent stuff together. This is a great monster!

  2. Yeah, this one is going to be appearing in the Basalt Keep adventure for sure!

  3. That's righteous, interesting mechanics for the creature, and cool art. If that's an eye-patch then this is officially super awesome. If not, then I'm going to say it IS an eye-patch anyway, and it's still super awesome.

  4. According to Bear, it IS an eye patch. I'll have to ask him how it got the eye patch. I've got a whole stack of monsters to stat up. This is too much fun!

  5. Absolutely brilliant, I am definitely using this monster in my game - and watch my player's run screaming. Thanks to you both for sharing and I look forward to seeing future monsters.


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