On Petty Gods

James over at Grognardia has posted the cover art for his upcoming Petty Gods release. I'm pretty stoked about that cover. I'm even more honored to have three of my petty gods included (writeup and art). This should be a VERY cool addition to the body of work being put out by folks out there in the gaming community. My, we are a creative bunch aren't we?

I do have several more Petty Gods that I with held from submission because they are going to be part of the campaign setting I'm working on (and yes, I picking away at it bits at a time - all the various things like the Sea of O'sr Maps, Basalt Keep of Wilven the Yellow, Warrens of Polstrus Lev, alternate magic systems, weekly creature feature, etc. are part of that picture).


  1. Congrats on your three petty gods! I look forward to checking out the book once it becomes available.

  2. The cover looks amazing. It should be a great bit of work from the OSR community.


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