Project Updates

Fairly busy on the project front today. I actually penciled and inked a whole cover illustration commission. Now it is time to hand the reigns over to Daisey for the color work. A straight forward illustration but I'm pretty satisfied with the work. Bear and I are going to work together on a series of monsters. I'm actually pretty excited about this. I think as an adult who has been around gaming, comics, movies, etc his whole life, it is easy to get jaded when it comes to monsters, adventure, and just down right fantasy. I'm so excited to get to relive the childhood experience vicariously through Bear. I tell you, these monsters and stories that he comes up with are really quite something. I'm looking forward to statting up the six mouthed goo monster. I mean, does it really get much better than that? At any rate, I anticipate statting up a few of Bear's critters and adding them to the weekly creature feature. Complete with Bear's illustrations! This is going to rock. Now I just need to finish the adventure I've been working on so Bear can take Lightning Bolt on his first delve!


  1. I understand the feeling of creating monsters with your son. My son and I have created the 'ettl' (four types of ant-like beasts of burden). Nothing beats the imagination of the young. :)


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