Sea of O'sr Old School Gaming Adventure Path

It looks like there is a pretty good effort underway to create a “sand box” style adventure path for the OSR being worked concurrently by several different folks. This is a pretty exciting development and for me really embraces everything I love about the hobbyist game developers out there that are embracing the OSR. Go have a look at the Lands of Ara blog , Quickly, Quietly, Carefully , Telecanter’s Receding Rules , and the Grumpy Old Troll . Good stuff indeed! As for me, I’ve had an island map that I did up about a year ago and have not done anything with it. This gives me the perfect excuse to dust it off and get to work. Of course that just adds to the growing list of projects I’m working on (or wanting to at any rate). I think I qualify for the definition of Creative Compulsive that my wife came up with.


  1. Hey, I understand this completely -- my Islet won't be ready for couple weeks probably. But it's not bad to have such an abundance of riches I suppose.

  2. I would love to see an islet collaboration between you and Bear! Carnivore Mountains and Monsters of Wetness! That would be soooo sweet. Preschool is Old School.

  3. @Carter - I've ALWAYS got more ideas than I'll ever get around to making come to fruition. Although I really want to do something for this.

    @Spawn - Bear is really loving being able to work with his Papa to create fun and imaginitive stuff. That's a great idea and the approach I'll take.

    @Migellito - No problem! Keep up the great work!


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