New Game Commissioned art

Wow, sorry that I've been a way for a while.  I've been doing a lot of traveling for the day job and it has kept me away from my posting.  At any rate, I'm excited about some new work that I did for North Wind Publishing's Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea.  Yes, it is another game system based off the old school rule sets.  Yes, it is weird fantasy.  I know there seems to be a lot of that.  However, AS&SoH is a very interesting setting, combining some Lovecraftian weirdness, some sci-fi, and some weird fantasy in one setting.  And it's written by Jeff Talanian who you might know as the writer for Troll Lord's Castle Zagyg material plus items for Fight On! and Knockspell.  Not to mention Ian Baggley who does some fantastic and moody art that gives the whole a really Lovecraftian vibe more than an Old School D&D feel.  So, I cannot recommend checking out their stuff more highly.  I think iot'd be a lot of fun to combine Lamentations of the Flame Princess, Carcosa, Isle of the Unknown, Trey Causey's Weird Adventures, and AS&SoH in one truly weird fantasy mash up of plane hopping, horror tinged, pulp action weird fantasy goodness.  Hrm, perhaps I'll spring that on my players...

Anyway, here's the two pieces I did for Taken From Dunwich.  I hope you go check out what Northwind is up to.  As for me, I've got some work to finish off for Expeditious Retreat Press Advanced Adventures and Small Niche Games.  Not to mention Delve! is still ongoing.  Happy gaming!


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