Delve! Zine Update

So, yeah, I've been neglecting to post lately.  Not due to being overcome by my natural lazy tendencies, but I've actually been spending quite a bit of time on Delve!  I've finished writing the adventure, now I've got to write the spell descriptions for the ten new spells (Arthritic Word, Bestill thy Heart, Bloat, Bone Spur, Consumption, Cancerous Touch, Evil Eye, Famine, Fever Dream and Jaundiced Eye).  I've also got a few new monsters, and four new magic items.  So I'm getting closer but still a bit of work to do.  And then there is the art.  I've got at least six new pieces of art to do for this project.  It's looking like it'll weigh in around 36 pages digest size.  I'll do a free pdf release and then look into print options.  I don't have a release date yet other than it'll be done when it's done.  Quite a bit of a learning curve here for me and I've learned how to do things but perhaps more importantly how not to do things.  I think for my next outing, I'll be a little ambitious ;).  Happy gaming!


  1. Yeah I learned a ton doing my first issue and seem to be learning just as much doing the second. A fun labor though. Keep us updated and kick your artist in the butt. You gotta watch those guys.

  2. Yeah, the bastard just wants to sit around drinking Italian wine all day long ;)...


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