Delve Preview: New Spell Arthitic Word

Yes, I have been productive, but I'm realizing the full extent of my ambition for Delve and the amount of work that requires.  One of the central features of Delve! is an adventure.  For the first outing, I'm introducing Calmos Vectos Mori, the Pustulent Lord - a Plague Magus.  With that, I've developed a few new spells in the new school of arcane magic Pathognomancy.  Instead of continually making excuses, I decided to make an actual content post.  Here's one of the new Pathognomancy spells, Arthritic Word:

Arthritic Word
Arcane Pathognomancy
Level:  Magic User 3
Range:  5 ft/level
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect:  One person
Components:  V, S, M
Casting Time:  4 Segments
Saving Throw:  Half
This spell causes the victim to be subject to crippling pain in all joints for one round per caster level (1d10 points of damager per round per caster level).  If reduced to 0 hit points, the victim will be rendered unconscious but will not die.  Instead, if they will remain unconscious until the spell’s duration has expired.  In addition to the pain, the character’s dexterity is reduced by 2 for the duration of the spell (to include reduction in AC and missile bonus to hit).  

The spells and new monsters and items in Delve! are designated Open Content so feel free to use it if you feel like.  I'm developing nine other spells for the adventure.  I'd like to flesh out the Class of Plague Magus as well but it probably won't be in the first issue (it's taken me quite a while just to reach this stage!) since I want to release the first issue in June or early July.

Next up, a preview of one of the new monsters.  Happy gaming!  


  1. It's a ton of work. That's why I'm amazed at Christian being able to release his monthly. Glad too see this is coming together.

  2. Yeah, I'm not sure how he manages to do it. Well, other than the fact that he has chopped it up into manageable chunks. I've learned a valuable lesson...


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