Delve! Zine progress Report

I just finished up a batch of commissions and I am in the midst of another so this has slowed progress a bit on Delve!  (not to mention all of the recent travel for my day job).  Anyway, I've started back up the past few days.  As with most things I attempt on my own, Delve! just seems to keep growing.  I'm thinking it'll be around 28 pages digest size with the bulk of that devoted to my adventure The Halls of Calmos Vectos Mori I, the Pustulent Lord.  I am chugging along pretty nicely now and it all seems to be coming together.  The adventure is a mid range one (something on the order of levels 4-7 or so for 4-6 players).  Due to the nature of the adventure, I'd say that a cleric is pretty much a necessity just due to the sheer amount of disease causing things.  I haven't started on the art yet, but I do have some ideas for some pieces.  Here's what I'm thinking as far as the actual release.  Since this is my first outing, I'm thinking of a free pdf release so you fine folks can tell me what you think.  I'll put up a PayPal donations button so if you feel so inclined, you can help me finance a printed version.  I'm thinking about doing a sort of pulp magazine digest release and then trying to sell it through the likes of Noble Knight games.  Probably right around a $4 price point but there are still a lot of details to be worked out until then.  At any rate, I'd like feedback on any of this so sound off below.   


  1. Johnathan, looking forward to your zine. Whatever you decide I am on board.


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