Isle of Maedsid Maps

So here's the keyed maps for Maedsid. I haven't really done much in the way of mapmaking so this was a good exercise for me and fun to boot. I just sort of let things unfold organically (i.e. by the seat of my pants). I like the results though. Now, I need to flesh out the actual keys. I'm also working on some art to go along with it. This is my first time really trying to do something of this scope but I really like the process behind it. Being an artist though, that can be dangerous... It's easy to get lost in the process and never generate a finished output. But I'm determined to see one project through to the end before the close of 2011!

Maedsid Isles

Barrow Mound/Ritual Complex

Main sub level

Sub Level A

Sub Level B


  1. @Chrisitan - Thanks! It has been a lot of fun. I've probably done more maps this year than all the mapping I've previously done in my life. It's been a great learning experience.

  2. GREAT maps, I've linked to this post from the Sea of O'SR page.

  3. Nice maps indeed. But what's the deal with the big-ass bird?

  4. @ckutalik - the big-ass bird is a ritualistic figure carved into the earth and filled with chalk much like Uffington White Horse. For the folks that visited the island, it was where the ashes of the "summer King" were scattered and it was believed that it was the point of departure for the soul to the spirit world. Or something to that effect ;).


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