Charlie Parker Beats the Devil

I don't want to steal Trey's thunder but I've been doing a lot of art for several projects and not a lot of sharing. So here's a piece I did for Weird Adventures. This is another gaming product that I'm so looking forward to. I it just me or has 2011 been a crazy good year for those of us interested in the Old School stuff?


  1. I'm temporarily breaking my hiatus to say "That, Sir, is Awesome!"

  2. Haha James, I'm glad I could draw you out (pun intended)! Thanks for the complement!

  3. It will is a wonderfully realized piece.

  4. That fits very well as far as I can see and it's wonderfully done, very complex.

  5. Matching the two of you is going to make Weird Adventures a great product.

  6. Thanks all. And thank you Tim. It's Trey's world, I just got to play in it a bit. It's going to be one hell of a fun ride I think. As much as I enjoy the "dark" weird fantasy stuff coming out lately, Weird Adventures is a totally different take and a much needed one I think. Here's an excerpt from an email I wrote to Trey on how I see Weird Adventures:

    Totally gonzo, all out pulp fantasy two fisted
    hi-octane gin joint smaltz with a couple of flapper girls in the
    rumble seat - all the while Al Capone and Dillenger are planning their
    next criminal hi-jinx with Alister Crowley's crystal ball and using a
    mind controlled Houdini to break into the bank vaults while Black Jack
    Pershing and Teddy Roosevelt are trying to stave off an undersea
    menace from Lemuria prophesied by Edgar Cayce and the Bell sisters by
    sending in a spec ops team headed up by Will Rogers, Valentino,
    Charlie Chaplain, Erol Flynn and Harry Price not to mention strange
    sightings of ENORMOUS blue oxen and men riding tornadoes!

    Of course, your mileage may vary, but I think it'll be great fun!


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