Happy Solstice

I hope that everyone is enjoying the sunshine! It has been a nice (if a bit on the warm side) day here in the Veneto. I have been working on Isle of Maedsid adventure today. Seems somewhat fitting seeing as how it is the solstice and it is druidic themed adventure. I've been doing a bit of research to give a bit of verisimilitude. I will probably keep most of it out of the adventure and put it in the Campaign setting for my world building project but put just enough in the adventure to flavor it. Check out this Wikipedia entry for Maeshowe for a bit of what I'm getting inspired by. Think: druidic cult that worships a fertility god that uses death/resurection mystery cult themes mixed with some transhumanism, with some Lovecraftian cosmic horror/strange geometry thrown in the mix of a diemnsionally distorting island with a bit of a feel of Arthurian Avalon. Anyway, go soak up the sun!


  1. Sounds very cool.

    (I'm more of an Autumnal gal)

  2. Thanks!! I am just glad to be in a plcae that has four distinct seasons.

  3. :: envy ::


    Hugs to Daisey and the kids,

  4. And a Happy Holiday to you, as well. I like having seasons as well. I celebrate each one as a holiday. So fun.


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