
I was looking for a picture to update the What I'm reading photo and I stumbled across this pretty cool model of Elric and Stormbringer. I'm not much of a toy/minatures guy (aminly because I have enough obessive geek hobbies and I can't afford anymore). At any rate I wanted to post the link (mainly so I can go back and see what other kinda modeling geekiness is out there. Oh lord, I don't need to open another can of worms... ;).


  1. Hmm, Elric looks more like Erica. Sword looks great.

  2. Yeah, the sword was what really caught my eye.

  3. It is a good sword, though Tim's right--it's the sculpt is a bit heavy metal Barbie.

  4. He's so beautiful...

    That was a custom build? Wow, there are some talented people out there.

  5. I always imagined Elric looking kind of feminine anyway - maybe its all the Yoshitako Amano pictures of him.

    The figure is pretty awesome.

  6. That last picture looks a little less girly, and completely awesome.

  7. Yeah, Elric was always depicted as pretty elfin (which is usually very effeminate). I really liked the sword, I think that he nailed Stormbringer (it matches the picture from the Berkley version of the Stormbringer book).

  8. @Deirdra - Thank you! It is an honor and I'll display the badge proudly on my blog. I really dig your blog's intent of giving exposure to artists (be they artists of the visual stripe or literary).


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