Blogging A to Z: S is for Satisfaction

Unlike the Stones, I get a tremendous amount of satisfaction from the act of creating something. I'm sure if you've been following my blog, I tend to be a bit more heavy on the art side or more specifically the artistic process and though process than I am on RPGs. The act of creating work is incredibly satisying and fufilling for me. And I'm always interested in learning about other creative type's processes. My wife Daisey has a Blog dedicated to her creative process. Lately she has decided to branch out beyond just her creative process and interview other creative types in an effort to document the creative process for others. Today she has made a post of my four year old daughter Rosa's creative process and more specifically how her figure drawing has evolved. Hopefully soon she will have interviews with other creative types from many diverse backgrounds. So if you know of anyone with a creative background that would be ameneable to an interview about their creative process, let myself or my wife know. It doesn't matter wheather they are a visual artist, a writer, a publisher, or what have you, she's interested in highlighting the creative process in many media.


  1. that's an interesting project, I wish your wife good luck! your blog is great!

  2. @Guchi - Thank you for the complement aqnd thanks for stopping by.

  3. Good luck on this next project. You guys make an excellent team. That's wonderful to see.


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