Let them eat pie!

Wow, I've been rather slow on the blogging but the good news is that I've been really busy doing tons of artwork for various projects. In fact, I may have done more art commissions so far this year (since January) than I have in the past two years combine. Looks like 2011 is a great year. Last night I submitted my latest batch to Joe and Suzi at Expeditious Retreat Press. I must say that those two are a great bunch of slave drivers. I'm just kidding, actually Joe and Suzi are GREAT to work with. I think Daisey did another outstanding job on the coloring. She really makes my work look good. Anyways, I've got another stack of art to get on. I hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. What a great uplifting fun post. Go you guys :-)

  2. Uplifting it is, and I say more of this kind of pie!

  3. Man, you must REALLY like pie. You gonna start a "pie" tag?

  4. How did you know my real address was...?

    Joseph Browning
    Slave Pits of the Undercity
    Pomarj, Greyhawk

  5. Man, this cake-baiting post and Whisk's caustic comments are just one of many reasons you both made my list today.

  6. Yes, I do like pie. I find that the pro-cake advocates are a little less, well, shall we say... evolved ;). Oh, and Happy April Fool's Day!

  7. Pie!?! Yes, please. I've always found cake to be less filling.


  8. It's a darn good list and I'm honored to be included.

  9. Me too. Even though pie is clearly the superior dessert, I think that making the worst of the OSR list according to the Hill Cantons Blog just proves my greatness ;). But really - it's great fun.

  10. Well, you are after all, the OSR's Hottest Elf Chick. So you had to make the list. I don't know if James knows he's on the list yet. Probably find out when he gets home from work.

    Big Hello to Daisey :-)


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