Blogging A to Z Challenge: J is for Jaundiced Eye

Note: The following magic item is designated open game content. The Jaundiced Eye is a magical pendant belonging to Viscount Wilven D’Ava (Also known as Wilven the Yellow). Viscount D’Ava was possessed of several predilections that have ostracized him from mainstream society. A self proclaimed seeker of knowledge and truth, Wilven firmly believed in the ends justifying the means. Wilven proved to be quite adept at the practice of magic and amassed a large variety of magical items to aid him in his quest for knowledge and power.

The Eye of Joqua Ha Denaes (colloquially known as the Jaundiced Eye) is a large topaz set in white gold and worn as a pendant. The eye is roughly the size and shape of a human eye. It possesses many magical properties (both malevolent and benign). The pendant is strongly aligned with chaos and any being of a non-chaotic alignment must make a save versus magic or take 1d12 points of damage. Further, any non-chaotic being must make a successful save versus magic or be converted to a chaotic alignment as the eye works it’s magic and causes the wearer to become suspicious and avaricious in outlook. The Eye of Joqua Ha Denaes also emits a chaos distortion field upon the wearer as desired. This field causes a spatial distortion around the wearer that effectively adjusts the wearer’s armor class favorably by 2 (up or down depending on the system used). Further, the Eye of Jaqua Ha Denaes has the capability to utilize its chaos distortion effects to warp the flesh of any living being of 8 Hit Dice or less that the caster so desires. The caster does have the capability to control the warping effects to the extent that the caster can cause the victim’s eyes to be erased (causing blindness), cause the flesh of the mouth and nose to be covered (suffocating the victim within 1d4 rounds plus con bonus), turn hands into flippers (negating the ability to hold objects), cause the arms/legs to grow together (effectively paralyzing the victim). Only one such distortion may be made at a time. The caster may make use of the device as often as desired, but with each use within a day, the chances that the caster will be subject to the effects of the jaundiced eye increase by 10% (thus on the first use, there is a 10% chance of the caster being effected, 20% on the second, etc). Roll on the following table for a caster that fails the roll:
1: Hands turn to flippers – cannot use hand held items
2: Flesh grows over ears – Character is deafened
3: Legs grow together into one stump – character cannot walk without crutches.
4: Flesh grows over mouth – character cannot speak or cast spells.
5: Flesh grows over nose and mouth – character will suffocate in 1d4 rounds (plus con bonus) unless remove curse is applied.
6: Character becomes a protoplasmic mass – treat as an ochre jelly


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