Delve! Zine Issue 3 is imminent! Bow, Blade and Blossom, Adventures in the Mystic East

Ok, ok, it has been years since Delve! Zine issue 2. What can I say, I'm a busy guy. Well, maybe, but also I tend to be lazy, and let's face it, the past few years have been a cluster F*** and I just was struggling with some things. Anywho, on the verge of my son Bear's 16th birthday, I decided to get my shit together and put out the third issue of Delve! Well, not exactly, but pretty much. Anyway, I had a quite different plan for the third issue, but since we are doing a Japanese theme for Bear's 16th (he's all about Japan and the manga/anime and culture at the moment). I remembered being roughly his age and being interested in similar things (Robotech was huge for me then as well as things like Lone Wolf and Cub). I picked up a copy of Advance Dungeons and Dragons Oriental Adventures from the Stars and Stripes bookstore in Nuremburg Germany in 1987. I was enthralled. Now, since we play Swords and Wizardry, I figured it'd be cool to introduce some Asian themed character classes for my son's group. And here we go, a sort of mini-OA for Swords and Wizardry. I only have four classes - Barbarian, Kensei, Ninja and Samurai along with weapons and armour, but it's a fun start. If it goes over well, I'll do a magic and monster supplement. Anyway, I did put it together as the third installment of Delve! Zine. I need to do a bit more editing on it before I release it, but here's a preview of the artwork. Cheers and happy gaming!


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