Virtual Gary Con update

I've been participating in the virtual Gary Con XII events and having a great time. I was part of the artists gathering last night hosted by Lloyd Metcalf and did a little doodle while they were dazzling us all with their digital skills. I've not yet really done much mor than dabble in the digital space. Mostly because it sort of wracks my brain trying to get the hand and eye to coordinate and get stuff on the screen. Practice, practice, practice I suppose. I'll give it a go as it does seem like something I should do since I have lots of pen and ink drawings just sitting in my closet. Anyway, here's a wizard piece that I did. I rather like it and think I'll use it in the Delve! Zine issue that I'm plucking away at.

I have a notion to do some magic system rules for old school systems for Pact, True Name and Summoning magic. It's a bit ambitious so I may just keep working on it and my classless role playing system in the back ground and try to do something a bit less crunchy just to get something out. So while I had intended it to be Delve! Zine issue three, I may just move it back and put out something like a Jack Kirby/Flash Gordon inspired mini-setting. Just as a teaser, here's a mockup of the thrid issue of Delve! Zine as it stands. I rather like it so I'm not sure exactly what direction I'll go. I have more ideas and ambition than time, even under quarantine :).
At any rate, I hope you all are happy, safe and well. Happy gaming and Cheers!


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