Let's give this another go

Is there anybody out there? Hello, hello, is this thing on? Anyway, it has been quite some time since I have contributed anything to this blog. More importantly,  or rather, more to the point, it has been quite sometime since I have really felt like blogging or really doing much of anything else. In all honesty, last year was pretty challenging for me in so very many ways and for a lot of reasons. I think that the most challenging part was the loss of my brother. To be honest, we'd been pretty estranged for many years. At any rate, I won't go into the details, but that along with various other challenges in the last year really took the wind out of my sails. I don't think I realised how much of a depression I was in until just about two months ago when the numbness of the past two years really started to wear off and I just started to really feel things again. I think the most striking thing was that I really started to feel passionate about gaming and comics again. That might seem a bit weird I guess, but considering those two things have been a constant in my life since I was very young, it has been exciting to actually feel excited about something again. Anyway, back to the blog, I think it will be hit and miss as it always has been for me, but just the option and the thought of getting started again is exciting.  No big expectations and I think it'll be in fits and starts, but let's see where this takes us. Cheers and happy gaming 🙂!


  1. Welcome back! My father died on Christmas Day and we too were estranged, so I know how weird it can feel, and how much it takes out of you without you perhaps knowing. Anyway, it's good to see you back!

    1. Thanks Kelvin! We've all been struggling through a cold (not Covid-19) but starting to get back to normal. I have some new ideas I want to get working on.

  2. Nice to see you back to blogging but sorry to read that you lost your brother. PS: This is Ivy, Tim's wife from Gothridge Manor. Hope you and the family are well. Stay safe and game on!

    1. Ivy, of course I remember. And thanks. I tried to reply earlier but for some reason it didn't take. Let's hope it does this time. I hope you guys are doing well!

    2. No complaints on this end. Got my garden seeds ordered and they've been shipped. That's the big news of the day! Stay safe and game on!


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