Blasphemer's Isle

Many, many moons ago, there was a shared worlds concept going around the OSR Blogosphere called the Sea of O'Sr. The idea was that bloggers would create their own islands to populate this shared worlds sea. I really loved the idea and wished it had taken off a bit more (check out the Lands of Ara blog post about it from way back when:

It was a fun idea and I've often thought about it. In fact, Isle of Maedsid, which is now being worked into a full Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea adventure to be published by Jeff Talanian and Northwind Adventures, actually started off as a Sea of O'Sr concept. Today, in between virtual Gary Con seminars, I dug into some of my old maps and art doodles and came across a map that was originally designed for the Seas of O'Sr project and was going to find a home as a sublevel of the Maedsid adventure, but ultimately just fell by the wayside. Anyway, when I was sitting in on Mark Clover's end of day Gary Con wind down, I pulled the map back out and began to work on it. I think I'm going to flesh it out as Blasphemer's Island, a little blurb that was mentioned in my Litenport mini-adventure. As I'm working on Delve! Zine issue three, which is dedicated to Summoning and PAct magic, Blasphemer's Island just kinda screems as a lair for a twisted magus. Here's what I've got so far:

Oh yeah, I also wanted to share my original Litenport Isle. You know, it'd be really cool to do a shared world adventure again. I like the Sea of O'Sr idea and think it works very well for this purpose. Not sure there is any interest, but if there is, I'd love to see what you come up with. You know, I probably will since island adventures are some of my favourite. Cheers and happy gaming!


  1. Nice island!

    Maybe someone should resurrect the Sea of Os'r. It seems like a fun idea with a lot of potential.

    1. Kelvin, I'm quite keen to resurrect it. Not a lot of blogging activity these days it seems, but I do cross post on Facebook (I should do on Twitter as well, but not a big Twitter fan). Anyway, I'll probably do some more islands as I quite enjoy doing them.


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