Delve! zine update

I currently at the airport in Frankfurt waiting for my flight back to Venice and home.  I'm excited to get back to the family.  I wasn't productive on the Delve! side of things since I was pretty consumed with my day job, but I do have lots of ideas for delve issue 2.  Issue two will be centered around the town of Dustchapel Downs and it's strange inhabitants.  I'm thinking about working up some variant werewolf rules to make them a bit more scary than they have been.  Sure, silver MIGHT be effective, but was it appropriately blessed and fashioned?  I'll explore some of those things.  As to Dustchapel Downs, it'll be somewhat similar to Dunwhich but perhaps a bit more whimsical... 

Sales for Delve! issue one pdf have been pretty good.  To date, I've sold 22 pdf copies and four print copies.  If you are thinking of getting a print copy, you can click the paypal link on the right.  Five dollars US gets you 36 pages of wierd fantasy adventure.  Or you can go to RPGNow and get a pdf for $3.99 here.  If you already have a copy, I'd be most interested in hearing your thoughts.  Drop me an email and let me know what you think.  Or better still, write a review on your blog or message board.  Well, enough for now.  Happy gaming!


  1. Delve! #1 was really great. I'm sure it's going to continue being successful.

  2. Argh.... Still waiting for my print copy. Everyone stop rubbing its goodness in my face until I get it, OK?


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