Delve! Zine News

Good news and bad news!  The card stock just arrived today!!  Bad news (well, good for me since I'm going on vacation with my family to Bolzano, Italy to see Otzi the Iceman amongst other things), I'm leaving town for the next five days.  More bad news, I'm only going to be back before I have to go on a business trip for a week and a half to Germany (yeah, that one does suck for everyone - although it will be to Heidelberg, Germany so it won't be too bad).  So what does this mean?  It means that I won't get the rest of my promo copies mailed to you European folks until Tuesday when I get back from Bolzano.  As for the rest, I guess I am probably going to actually realize open season on the print version of Delve! Zine on my birthday.  The plan is to print up a bunch of copies and sell some direct and send a bunch to Noble Knight Games for sale there.  So, for those waiting, why not go check out the PDF version?  You can get it at RPG Now here.  I made a nice bookmarked version so if you are playing the adventure, you can skip right to the keyed areas, the map, the individual monsters, spells or magic items.  PLUS there is a printer ready version so you can print out your own digest sized version of the zine in all of it's 44 pages of splendor!

I've also begun work on Delve Zine episode 2.  I've got quite a few ideas but I think I'm going to go with Sinister Sightings at Dustchapel Downs.  It is a town based adventure that I've been toying with oh, around six years now.  I keep pushing it off and I think now's the time to get this puppy out there.  So, much like Delve! issue 1, episode 2 will be an adventure with new monsters, items, and the like.  Probably a new school of magic as well.  Eventually I'll get around to fleshing out rules for things I've discussed in the past such as additional magic systems.  I've scaled down the scope of Dustchaple a bit.  Part of my problem in the past is that it was much to ambitious and probably would have ended up being like Ptolus the way it was going.  Right now I'm doing the adventure map and then cycling through my old notes to see what exactly I want to use.  At any rate, I'll have more news on Delve! 2 as I go along.  Well, that's all for now.  Happy gaming!  


  1. I wanna check out the pdf, but i'm gonna wait for the print version. Can't wait to see it. I'm so digging this DIY 80s punk thing going on in the OSR community.

  2. @Victor - I dig it too. As an 80's punker kid, this is going back to my roots - punk rock, zines and D&D. I'm really digging the DIY vibe in the hobbyist gaming scene right now!

    @Tim - yes, well, I hope it is worth the wait ;).

  3. Make sure and let us know when Issue #1 is ready in print and ready to order, would you? I'm ready to throw some money your way!

  4. Just picked up a copy and finished my read-through. Nice work!

    I put up a review on my blog here:

  5. yeah. I'm gonna wait for the physical zine too!

  6. I really want to order a print version. Please make them available soon!


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