The Warrens of Polstrus Lev City of Degenerates

I hope everyone's 2012 is off to a good start. So far, it has been slow going for Team Bingham with a bout of influenza ushering in the new year, but it seems that is all behind us now. So finally back to projects! I'm revisiting my idea for a low level adventure, the Warrens of Polstrus Lev. A while back, I mused on my idea for dark elves. I never really cared for how dark elves have been portrayed. I picture Dark Elves akin to the degenerate humanoids found in R.E. Howard's "Children of the Night" (you can read the short story here). To me, dark elves seem, well, too cultured and not degenerate enough. At any rate, I've always wanted to do something with that. So, I'm currently working on a low level adventure entitled "The Warrens of Polstrus Lev, the City of Degenerates". I picture it as a pulpy romp through an underground "city" full of degenerate humanoids. Think of Howard's story meets the movie Night Breed and that is kind of along the lines of how I picture this. Here's a peek at the first level map so far:
I've finished most of the mapping, now I need to key it. It'll have three levels. Time to go for now but more to follow soon!


  1. Very cool. Great story to base things off of as well. It will be fun to see where you take this.

  2. I made the drow in my campign a little more melnibonean...
    And yeah, cool map, and I'll go reading now.

  3. What Garrisonjames said. :) Nice job!

  4. For a long time I used the common definition of DnD Drow. Beautiful exotic dominatrix women, handsome enigmatic somehow-not-subservient men, etc. A while ago I decided to change my whole tune on that, just because it seemed so cliched. So far, all I have is that scary-ass freexy female Drow face by Erol Otus, where she looks almost like a jet-skinned mummy. I think that's a good starting point :)

  5. Thanks for the encouragement gang! I have some definite ideas. I've been reading a lot of pulp stories lately and reading a lot of stuff like like EC horror comics so I've got some ideas. I'm hoping to play test some of my ideas soon (maybe this weekend).


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