Game Night Cancelled Due to a Stinking Cold

Bah, this winter has been rather crummy due to various forms of crud going around.  I ended up calling in sick to my gaming group due to a new crud that I picked up.  I'm not feeling terrible, but I knew I couldn't really hold up to 3+ hours of DMing.  Ah, such is life.  However, not all is a total loss.  I spent the day mapping my adventure for Polstrus Lev.  I'm going to finish the highly modified Keep on the Borderlands adventure and then entice the players over to the small road side rest stop/holy shrine Restover.  This will become the new base for launching into Polstrus Lev and surrounding environs. 

I've established the campaign in a rather wild part of the world known as the Moinar Marches.  There is lots of political tension as the invading Stennish people have pretty much an ongoing conflict with the native Moinar people.  The church of Daegraed, Lord of the Dawn is striving to drive out the older religions and this is just adding to the political strife.  There are many wild adventuring sites in the Marches that have many an adventurer here to seek glory and/or riches.  Again, this serves to ratchet up tensions a bit.  Add some crazy ass worshipers of alien gods from beyond the stars and you are really adding a match to the gasoline on the powder keg.  And that is the kinda place my players find that they are having to navigate career wise, socially, spiritually, and politically.  While they might escape with their life, they could very well lose social standing, spiritual grace, or their sanity.  Should be a fun ride ;).

Here's a map of Restover:

Here's a map of the first level of Polstrus Lev:

Here's a map of the second level of Polstrus Lev:
Here's the Third and final level of Polstrus Lev:
Not to be outdone, my seven year old son Bear decided he wanted to show off his mapping skills as well.  Here he recycled one of my rejected maps and made it wholy his own:
Happy Gaming!


  1. At first glance I thought this said "Game Canceled Because of Stinking Cloud," and I thought that yeah, I hate it when I have bad gas too.

  2. Yeah, I kinda read the same thing as Jim at first. Sorry to hear about the cold. Digging all the maps everyone is putting out. Very cool. I guess you'll just have to make your next game twice as vicious.

  3. Hehehe, yeah, I can see where one would think that ;). Thanks for the laugh!


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