Just like riding a bike

Finally got my game on this weekend and had some great fun.  I DMed a group of three using OSRIC/1e rules through a modified version of Keep on the Borderlands.  So far the group has hired some mercenary muscle and managed to talk the Priest at the Temple of Daegraed, Lord of the Dawn to lend one of his novices to the expedition.  They picked up some rumors at the Pickled Boar from some grizzled vets and then headed off towards the unknown.

They spotted a kobold off the trail and decided to investigate.  The party's initial inattention lead to one of the mercinaries to fall into a pit trap and while they were rescuing him, they were ambushed by kobolds hidden in the woods.  After a heated combat, one kobold escaped, they slew seven of them and captured one.  The elven fighter/mage questioned the prisoner who was reluctant to talk, but the elf applied some torture and cut off a couple of fingers.  The kobold gave some ominous warnings and then bit off its own tongue and died a rather horrible death.  The fighter/mage being chaotic neutral simply told the paladin that the kobold escaped during the night so as to not stir up inter-party conflict.

After a guarded rest with only the mad hermit making a rather spooky cameo in the middle of the night, the party set off for the caves.  Of course the kobolds were prepared having been warned by the escapee from the previous day.  The party managed to track the escapee to the entrance to the kobold section of the caves.  The outside of the cavern complex was quiet and the party entered the kobold section uneventfully.  Learning from the previous encounter, the party checked for traps as they went and easily found the pit trap.  They had a skirmish with the guards just inside the complex.  Two of the guards split off to warn the remaining kobolds.  The party killed the four remaining.  They had a bit of a nasty surprise with ten readied kobolds from the kobold den in phalax formation.  As they began the encouter, one of the kobolds that had escaped snuck up behind with some reinforcements,  After a heated battle with only the fighter/mages ssleep spell allowing them to best the kobolds, they decided to break off the encounter and take their severly wounded comrades back to the keep to rest up and collect a bounty the castellan had set on the kobolds.

So, much fun was  had by all.  It was my first time to DM in many a year, but I found myself quickly picking it all back up.  I stumbled a little but it didn't seem to affect gameplay and I quickly recovered.  I've beenbusy planning the reponse when the party returns to the caves.  The kobolds are crafty and will be waiting to avenge themselves on the party.  It won't be such an easy task to clear out all of the little devils that's for sure!


  1. Glad to hear you found a group. I'm in pretty much the same boat - finally got an 1e group up and running a few months ago and it's been great fun.

  2. "The elven fighter/mage questioned the prisoner who was reluctant to talk, but the elf applied some torture and cut off a couple of fingers. The kobold gave some ominous warnings and then bit off its own tongue and died a rather horrible death."

    Holy wow! It's like Reservoir Dogs in D&D! It sounds like you guys had a heck of a good time. :)

  3. Awesome news man, good to see you found a group. I still have a B/X group on Friday nights and an online group (playing amped up LL/AEC) that gets together a few times per month. The friday night group just polished off the Bugbear tribe in good old B2, while the online group has just set off to rescue the Baroness in DA2 Temple of the Frog.


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