Up to no good

So, the countdown to GENCON is on! I am registered for the Hotel an rental car. Now, I just need to finish up the last of the B&W artwork for Expeditious Retreat Press' tournament module. I'm looking forward to meeting some folks and playing some games. I've got some more artwork lined up that I'm really looking forward to doing. It's been a very productive year for me artistically. So much so that I've put all of my own personal RPG projects aside for the time being. I'll get back to them when I have some downtime, but in the meantime, I'm enjoying working on other people's projects. Not to mention I feel a bit more motivated to actually follow through on projects for other folks than I tend to on my own. I think that is mostly because I tend to revise stuff a million times and then just end up never getting it out there because I'm not satisfied. The typical artist mentality - there is no such thing as finished art, only abandoned art.

Oh yeah, I also got a great hardcover edition of the Art of P. Craig Russell yesterday. It's a great book. I'm fairly certain that even if you don't know the name, you've probably seen some of his art. It is fantastic stuff for sure. Being a huge Elric fan, he really brought Moorcock's work alive for me.


  1. I've got to check that Craig P. Russell book out. Is it alot of unpublished work? Pinups? Sketches? That's what I want to see.

    Are you planning on selling some original art at GENCON?

  2. I've been thinking about bringing my portfolio with me and selling some work if anyone is interested.

  3. Looking forward to meeting other members of the RPG Bloggers network! I wonder if there could be some sort of informal meet-up at Gen-Con this year?

  4. Heh, I think the Old School Renaissance booth is going to be a defacto meetup place for a lot of us. I too am looking forward to meeting folks. I don't think I've been this excited about something like this since, well, heck, I can't remember but it's been a long time.

    Oh Felt- the book is gorgeous. It does have sketches and unpublished work. It is a hefty tome for sure and aside from my Art of Hellboy hardback, is probably going to be my favorite art book (Mignola will always hold the prime spot for me).

  5. Just stopping by to say hello from the master list of the A-Z Challenge. It's a pleasure to meet you!


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