Sticking my thumb in the eye of the Beholder.

Stefan Poag posted today about a WotC contest (I'm not really sure if it was a contest, maybe a sort of WotC artists jam?) in which several artists do their own take a a Wayne Reynold's beholder painting. Stefan had the incredibly interesting idea that some of the artists in the OSR should maybe do their own take. You know what, I'm so down with that. I'm hoping more folks will also join in. What better way to show the playfulness and creativity of the OSR than by joining in (oh I know - there will be a few naysayers out there with their Eeyore like glumness and negativity but screw em). I've got a couple of commissions to finish up but I'm going to do this. Here's a copy of the picture in question:

I'm going to even try to get my son Bear in on the act (it's been to long since I've posted his art here). Maybe if Daisey isn't too overwhelmed with school, she'll even color it. It' be a fun family project. At any rate, I encourage anyone that can hold a pencil to take a crack at it. We'll show them what the old school beholders are all about ;).


  1. Some of the entries so far are incredible!

  2. I read Stefan's post the other day, and while enjoyable, I didn't understand why the illustrations looked so damn similar. One reader- Spawn of Endra- remarked today on the identical compositions. I much prefer another recent Beholder contest that offers different interpretations as well as varied styles:

    Let me know when you want to do the OSR version and I'm down.


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