Dustchaple Downs Map

After Six+ years, I've FINALLY started to detail Dustchaple Downs.  It has made some appearances in my home campaign, but so far, only as gossip from NPCs.  Well, here's a look at the map as it currently stands.  I'm not quite finished with it yet.  Dustchaple will be the focal point of Delve issue 2.  Happy gaming all, I'm off ghost hunting on Poveglia Island.  You know, I've heard that ghost tastes like chicken which is good because tomorrow is grill night.  I hope I bag a big one.  Ectoplasm, the other white meat ;)!



  1. The map looks great. I've been thinking about game maps today and wondering about how good a city map really needs to look. You've upped the bar!

  2. @Kelvin - Thanks! I'm totally looking forward to your LotFP adventure. I'm still working mine even though it didn't fund. James and I agreed to proceed anyway.

    @Tim - Thanks!!


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