Lands of Ara Compendium Now Available!

The Lands of Ara Compendium is now available for free here.  I had a great time working on the cover and I think Daisey did an outstanding job on the color.  Here's a look at the color and further rendered B&W version.  Go check it out!


  1. Fantastic color and drawing.

    Well done, guys.

  2. Johnathan, you and Daisey did such great work on that cover! On the one level the whole was pro. We (the players in the campaign) gave as much direction about the PCs as we wanted, and you faithfully rendered those details, and then even down to specific ideas of the colors of Innominus's armor and clothing Daisey nailed that as well. As a player, to see this stuff come to life like this is super hard-core awesome fun!

    On the next level, having somebody that knows the game and how to depict the action from the PCs and DMs perspective makes the difference. Thanks for getting across the excitement and terror and bad-assedness of the game!

  3. Your cover piece really sets the tone, thanks again to you and Daisey!

  4. Thanks gang! Daisey and I are really pleased with how this turned out. BTW, the compendium is really fun. I snickered to myself as I read through it. Very good stuff indeed!


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