Older Experiement

I like all kinds of comics. Superhero, fantasy, underground, experimental, comix, indie, etc. A couple of years back I got turned on to Abstract comics. What never ceases to amaze me is how versatile the form is. I don't do much in the way of sequential art because it is pretty demanding and time consuming. However, I toy with the idea of doing comics sometimes. Just a bit earlier, I was going through my large sketchbook getting ready to sketch out some ideas for some paintings that I wanted to do. I ran across this experimental comic that I did I guess about a year and a half ago. Not truly abstract but not exactly representational either. It was fun to do and is giving me some ideas.


  1. Neato!
    My entire motivation in learning to draw (which I didn't start unitl I was well past 30) was wanting to draw comics. Right now, I finish aproximately one page every two weeks of my never to be completed superhero epic.

  2. Intriguing.
    --I like the detailed, yet, loose style. :D

  3. It is pretty cool. Thanks for sharing.

  4. @Aos - I'd love to see some of what you've done!

    @Timeshadows - Thanks. This piece was a stream of consciousness experiment so I didn't have any preconceived ideas on what was going to come of this. It was a fun experiement. Being an artist, I'm never really satisfied with my own work - I'm usually my harshest critic by far.


  5. You might want to check this out. James Mahan is a former teacher of mine, and he's been doing this kind of work since the eighties.


  6. @Sean - I've been following the Abstract Comics blog for about a year or so. I purchased the abstract comics hard cover book as well. Really cool stuff.


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