Quietly slaving away at the drawing table

I've been busy working on art for Expeditious Retreat Press and Adventurer Conqueror King and several other commissions. It's been pretty hectic at the day job so that has lessened my output level, but I'm slowly catching up. So if I've been quite I apologize, but I've been working!

I have acquired The first three volumes of the Arduin Grimoire. Pretty interesting stuff. I like the artwork and the over the top zany nature of it all. Fun stuff. Also, the Tome of Horrors Complete is AWESOME. I really like the small stat blocks and the adventure hook ideas. I've been gravitating towards Swords & Wizardry/OD&D a lot lately.

Finally, I hope to get back on some of my projects soon. Isle of Maedsid has really been on my mind a lot lately. Not to mention I'm thinking of collaborating on a Cthulhueque comic with a friend and also writing some short fiction. Ah, if I can just maintain enough energy to get even a small fraction of my ideas off the ground, I'll be a happy man indeed!


  1. Wow, I'd love to see your Cthulhu-themed comic project come to pass!

    I can empathize with you -- I've been super-busy lately too.

  2. Carter - Yeah, it's been crazy. I'm still working on that piece for you but it's a little bit slower going than I anticipated due to my hectic work schedule and unexpected guests from out of town ;).

  3. Ah, yes Ivy, I've been pretty busy but have finished quite a few commissions and hope to regularly appear in the blogosphere in the next few days. September and October were very busy for me and didn't leave me much breathing room.


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