Lamentations of the Flame Princess Game came today!

What a lovely boxed game. I'll hand it to Mr. Raggi, this is one nice boxed set that is filled to the gills. I haven't had much time to do anything other than give a cursory look through of the contents. I will read through it and give my impressions here. I have to say that I really like many of his ideas so I'm really excited to dig into this one. My only realy dissappointment was that I didn't get to contribute any art to this set. Mr. Raggi did contact me about rates but I never heard back (heh, I even indicated I'd do it pro bono just because I liked his ideas). Ah well, that's OK too I suppose. I'll dig in and report back later with more.


  1. I never got your response. I'd sent the email to you Feb 19, and then on Feb 23 I saw your blog post here and figured that I didn't hear back from you because you were busy/booked up. I even joked with Browning at some point that he'd snatched up someone that I was after...

  2. Heh, sorry about that. I don't know where I dropped the ball but I feel it is truly my loss for not getting to take part. Drop me a line if you need more art for anything upcoming. I'd love to contribute some work to your projets!

  3. %$^@%!!!! I just went back to check my emails and realized that I didn't respond back. Well, sort of. I had written my response and saved it as a draft because I was having computer problems. I could have sworn I replied. Well, trust me, it wasn't meant as a slight, I really had every intention on getting back to you. The product is beautiful and I would have loved to have been a small part of that.


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