Alternative/Indie Comics and Indie RPGs

I've been surprised in the past at how little proclaimed crossover there is between the Role Playing Game set and the comics set. When I was younger, all of us geeks freely associated between the two. I mean, we played RPGs, read comics, made our own comics, created our own rpgs, wrote stories, etc. It was less codified in our minds and that is still the way I prefer it. Over the past few years I've been much more involved in the RPG scene but still interested in what was going on in the comics world. My roles seem to be reversing as of late and I find myself wanting to participate in the indie comics realm. Whatever, I think it is all good. I would be interested in talking to folks who are involved in both scenes (even music and film too!) I am fasicnated with folks that just feel an innate need to create. Anyways, heres a piece from an indie RPG piece I have been pecking away at:


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