Latest Sequential Art Project

Here's a raw scan of a new project I'm working on. Ideally, I'd like to do an average of three new projects on this blog per week. This is another stream of consciousness piece entitled "Null Pattern Sequence (Erebus 1843)". I've been reading up on the Sir John Franklin expedition to find the Northwest Passage back in 1843. At the time, it was the largest, supposedly most advanced, best equipped, and most skilled arctic expedition to date. However, all of the crew members of the H.M.S Erebus and H.M.S. Terror disappeared and no one is 100% sure what happened. There is much speculation that the the canned provisions for the voyage were tainted by lead and/or botulism thus leading to the crew's ultimate demise. Anyway, if you're interested, check out the books "Ice Blink" by Scott Cookman and better still " Frozen in Time" by Owen Beatie and John Geiger for more. Ultimately, I'm going to do some more embellishment via Photoshop on this piece.


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