Yes, it really is - in a few weeks at any rate. That is of course we survive the impending end of the world. Ah well, Team Bingham went out and cut a Christmas Tree and hung the decorations anyway. Ah, the futility of it all ;). It was nice to get out and about though. This has been a brutal Fall with Daisey and Bear having Strep this past week. Antibiotics were prescribed and everyone is on the mend now, but it was just another illness in a string of them this year. Add to that the crazy crap of the day job and it has left me with no game time and quite truthfully, little motivation to work on gaming material. But I did pull out the manuscript for Delve issue 2 this weekend and hack away at it a bit. I had hoped to make better progress that what I've been able to muster. Perhaps I should have done this up as a Kickstarter ;)? Well, the only thing for it is just to do it. Dustchapel Downs is the main city of my camp...